Joy and concerns as Philippines schools reopen

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With the pandemic now more than two years old, the mood at Mango Tree House has shifted from gloom to elation. On August 22, 2022, Filipino students will return to traditional classroom settings after nearly three years of online learning.

While anticipation grows for the resumption of in-person lessons, there is also, undeniable apprehension due to the continued presence of the Covid-19 virus and its associated high caseload.

We want the first day of school to be exciting and safe for the Mango students, their new classmates, and the Mango teachers and staff.

Each and every Mango child in our care who is five years old or older has received a full course of Covid-19 vaccinations. All children over the age of 12 have already been given their booster shots. In addition to their three healthy meals per day, they supplement this with at least 500 milligrams of Vitamin C with zinc.


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