Sponsor a Child...

... or make a one off or regular donation to provide education for children in Manila in the Philippines.

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How to Support a Childs Education

Sponsor a child or make a one off or monthly donation

Children of the Dump offer a variety of ways you can be involved. Sponsor a child and transform the life of an individual boy or girl and ensure their education. Or make regular charity donations or one off donations channeling support to areas of utmost urgency.

As a sponsor, you'll forge a meaningful connection. You'll receive captivating photos, heartfelt handwritten messages, and regular updates directly from the child's community, keeping you closely connected to the impact of your generosity.

Child with cuddly toy

Monthly Donation

Make a Regular Monthly Donation of an amount that suits you that helps all the children with the ESSENTIALS programme. 

Children sorting rubbish on the dumpsite Manila

Sponsor an Individual Child

There are young children looking for their place in education to be sponsored today. Sponsors are welcome from anywhere in the world. 

Child in manila

One off Donation

You can make a One off Single Payment donation if a Regular Monthly Donation is not right for you.

Standing Order Sponsorship & Donations

For a regular donation by standing order please download our Standing Order Form below

More on child sponsorship

Letters & gifts for the children you sponsor

You are invited (but do not have to) send birthday and Christmas cards to your child in our regular parcels to Manila. If you want to send a gift we ask that you make a bank payment to us in the UK, £10 is a good amount, and we transfer that to the Philippines. Your sponsored child gets to spend that locally. Please note that it can take a couple of months to get cards to your child.

Kay with child in phillipines

Change your sponsorship

Don’t worry if you are unsure about making a long term commitment to sponsorship. You can stop your sponsorship (or change the amount) at any time and Children of The Dump will make sure that there is a replacement in place so that your child suffers no disappointment.
Contact us in you would like more information.
Child getting hair brushed

Share child sponsorship

If you don’t want to fully sponsor a child that is fine too and you might like to make a contribution every month sharing sponsorship with another supporter of Children of the Dump.
Student living at mango Tree children home