Christmas post to the Philippines

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Christmas Post
IF YOU SPONSOR a child in the Philippines….

Many sponsors like to send Christmas cards to their children. Please post them (c/o Children of the Dump) to arrive at High Cross Church by 1st of December for a bulk delivery to Manila.
We can’t send gifts to the Philippines due to the cost and import restrictions, but you could send £10 and we can transfer the money to Manila.
Depending on the age of the child they can then choose their own present and you can be sure that they have something that they love.
You can post a cheque or transfer money to our bank. Details at the end of the newsletter.
Remember to write your students name and ‘Xmas’ in the Bank reference or on the back of the cheque.

Account Name Asian Students Christian Trust
Bank Sort Code 40-43-36
Account Number 01146629
Ref ‘Your students name and ‘Xmas’

Children sorting rubbish on the dumpsite Manila

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