Marry Jane is another successful student from Mango House

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‘From a shy 9-year-old overcoming malnutrition to an optimistic young lady full of energy ready to begin a teaching career’


One of the difficulties for children who live around the rubbish dumps is that even if they are lucky enough to join school through Children of the Dump programmes that they may have lost years of their young lives through neglect and, sometimes, homelessness. This means that age wise they can be much older than the rest of their classmates when they first get the opportunity for education and so finish schooling later than other children who have not known such deprivation in their early years. It sometimes also presents challenges for these students in their studies.

So, it is fantastic to report on Marry Jane who first came to live in Mango House after her mother died, her father left home, and her grandmother had neither the health nor money to look after her and her 2 young siblings. Mango House has provided a stable and loving background for Marry Jane and other children with nowhere else to go and where they can focus on studying hard.

Mary Jane used this opportunity, denied to so many others. She is now a charming and confident young lady and has just graduated with a baccalaureate in Early Education. She is just one final government exam away from a start on her dream career as a teacher in the Philippines. Whilst waiting for this, she has decided to help pay back the support and love found at Mango House and is helping the next generation as a volunteer teacher at Cashew Early Years school.

What a brilliant result already and with new opportunities in life before her. None of this would have been possible without the commitment of the staff at ASCF, our partner in Manila and her own wonderful UK sponsor who has backed her all the way.

Children sorting rubbish on the dumpsite Manila

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