The Big Give 2022: A huge success!

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During The Big Give, which happened during the first week in December, the charity set an ambitious target of raising over £28,000. During this time every donation is doubled through match funding. We are still counting up everything that has come in but once Gift Aid is taken into account over £34,000 was raised to support the children in Manila. Thanks to the Charity Pledgers who contributed to the matching funds by providing funding and Coles-Medlock Foundation who provided Champions match funding

The importance of The Big Give is that it ensures stability for the children’s schooling for the remainder of the school year

A huge thank you to everyone who donated directly and indirectly. Special thanks go to the congregation of Heatherside Church with their sponsored coffee morning and to everyone who donated after coming online to the monthly quiz hosted by Mark; especially  all the new faces who came along. The quiz format has been revamped a little with a powerful final round where a lot of guesswork is often required.  Hopefully some of you will stick around for all, or just one, of the rest of the winter season. The next 3 quiz dates (first Thursday of the month) are January 5th (12th night), February 2nd and March 2nd . With a suggested donation of £3 per participant this is a cheap night of entertainment during those cold winter nights.

To say thank you, and a Merry Christmas, the Children dance their way through a Christmas song. Do watch it in our earlier news post. A Merry Christmas from the Children | Children of the Dump

Children sorting rubbish on the dumpsite Manila

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