CotD January 23 News Update

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Happy New Year to Everyone

It’s still pantomime season in the UK, but last month the children in Manila performed for the public in a riotous performance of ‘Jack and The 2 Beanstalks’.
The show was only possible after months of practice and learning under the patient direction of a local supporter in Manila, Ham, along with other helpers. This was the most inspiring part of the project for those lucky enough to see the massive growth in confidence and poise of the children as they grew whilst learning their lines, songs, and dance steps at Mango House. The children have acquired new skills that will stay with them forever.

Early photos of the rehearsals couldn’t prepare for the drama of the actual event with the children revealing themselves as true stars as they stepped out to meet their public who had paid to see the show. Players and audience enjoyed themselves immensely and there was huge applause at the end.
Support also came from the British School in Manila who generously made their well-equipped hall fully available for the performance.
A massive congratulations and thanks to everyone involved. What a successful and worthwhile event!

Final update for Big Give

We are so happy to report that our target for The Big Give was smashed with £34,260 being raised. Supporters have been so generous despite all the cost of living problems everyone is facing. Thank you so much especially to anonymous supporters who we haven’t been able to thank directly.

Children sorting rubbish on the dumpsite Manila

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