Sponsor Jonathon Cook running the Brighton Half Marathon in Aid of the Charity.

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Jonathon Cook

“I have been sponsoring a little girl in the Grapevine scheme for a few years and received an update about her from Children of the Dump. I was moved to try and do more for the charity, seeing the contrast of her life and struggles to those of my own son here in the UK.

I am now training to run the Brighton half marathon in February and seek your support to sponsor me and raise lots of money to help more children in Manila”

To *sponsor Jonathon please click the link below.


*For donators who are not signed up with the charity for Gift Aid.

*Please note – If your donation is eligible for Gift Aid and you give your authority for the Charity to claim the Gift Aid, please click the + sign on the PayPal Payment page and add YES. Please remember to input your full name and address including post code.

Children sorting rubbish on the dumpsite Manila

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