Reflections from Kay’s Visit to the services in Manila March 2023

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So after 4 years we have finally made it back to Manila to visit our friends at ASCF and what a joyous time it was.
Trustee visits from the UK are a very important part of the governance of the charity because the Charity Commission hold the UK board accountable for the service delivery in the Philippines. It is crucial that we meet beneficiaries directly to see and hear first-hand the impact that your donations make to the lives of the children and their families. We also rely strongly on the local regulatory authorities to monitor and inspect the services to ensure they meet all local standards. Our role is to independently review policies and procedures, to go through the finances with a fine tooth comb to provide assurance that we are getting the best possible value from every peso spent. Its also important that we here in the UK understand just what things actually cost in Manila and that we are offering the best we can for the children and the staff team.

To read more of Kay’s visit click here

Children sorting rubbish on the dumpsite Manila

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