Children of The Dump; This week One Donation has Twice The Impact

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I had the opportunity last week to visit Manila and meet the children.

I can’t comprehend the entire existence of so many people in poverty by the dump. The feeling that these families have accepted this as the only life they will have is heartbreaking. The smell and filth is unbelievable. I don’t have the words to explain the sheer desperation that I feel inside seeing this. And yet these beautiful, open, and friendly people are so welcoming to outsiders like myself. In their simple homes they shared the dreams that education is bringing to their children’s future.

The parents told me about the difference that the care and schooling provided by Children of the Dump makes to their lives. It is the hope and promise for a better future. I saw the bright classrooms, I met the enthusiastic and dedicated teachers and above all I experienced the energy that the children bring to school every day.

This really is only possible because of your donations.

It’s a busy time of year for everyone and costs have gone up, but please think and pray for the children and if possible, make an extra donation for the children during The Big Give.

Children sorting rubbish on the dumpsite Manila

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