Thank you so much everyone! You did it AGAIN!

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It was a close call but in the end it is thrilling to tell you that the objective of raising £32,000 through The Big Give was achived. This is an amazing achievement by everybody especially this year with the cost of living pressures on our minds. So many people stepped up to help out once again.

The charity trustees and the staff in the Philippines never take your support for granted and are very aware of the trust that you have placed in them. Every effort is made to ensure that the money raised is spent efficiently to ensure that the children in Manila can benefit to the fullest from your generosity. In the UK we recently discovered that the team in Manila go on a long drive out of the city every week to buy fresh food in the cheaper markets in the countryside.

Thank you to everyone who participated whether by giving directly, taking part in events (it’s tough eating cake at a coffee morning and very difficult to remember the year that the film ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ came out during the online quiz) or even talking about the charity to friends and family. Every contribution is of real value.

Your actions are helping to transform the lives of young children in Manila. They are always amazed that people 7,000 miles away care so much for them.

Thank you so much.

Children sorting rubbish on the dumpsite Manila

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